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101 Prescot St
Liverpool, L7 8UL
United Kingdom

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Wardlow Mires potsandfood September 2015

john ayling

A lovely friendly event run by Pat Fuller of the Three Stags Heads, in the Derbyshire Dales not too far from Chesterfield. Its all about the table - about 50 potters with their tableware and small scale food producers. My most popular items were my noodle-soup/soup/stew bowls; quite large and deep, ash-glazed inside and ash washed outside. I mix quite a bit of gathered gritstone grit into the clay for these bowls and sponge the outsides when leather-hard to reveal the grit. This gives an interesting surface and good feel to the bowls.

Next years potsandfood event is 12th and 13th September... see

Chatting with Dad.

Chatting with Dad.